Why I voted "Yes" on H.R. 4906


Date: June 7, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

I voted "Yes" on H.R. 4906, to amend title 5, United States Code, to clarify the eligibility of employees of a land management agency in a time-limited appointment to compete for a permanent appointment at any Federal agency, and for other purposes.

This bill makes technical changes to a 2015 law making it easier for temporary, often seasonal, employees of federal land management agencies to compete for full-time positions within those agencies by expanding the number of workers eligible for a streamlined process. In many cases, federal workers such as seasonal wildfire fighterfighters have not been given credit for their past service and expertise in the hiring process, and this bill corrects that.

I voted for this bill because these firefighters and other employees should be given appropriate credit for their federal service if applying for full-time positions.

This bill was approved by a unanimous vote of 363-0.
